Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Baltimore Ravens Wallpaper&Pictures

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To be a member of the Baltimore Ravens Cheerleaders, you must be at least 18 years of age. There is no maximum age limit, and the squad has had members who are nearly 40. Candidates must also have a high-school diploma or GED, and they must either have a family, attend college or hold down a full or part-time job.
Cheerleaders are required to perform at all 10 home games, and they must arrive at the games 5 hours before kickoff. Practices are held two days a week from April through January. Each practice lasts from 6:30 pm until 9:30 pm. Practices rotate between an indoor facility in Owings Mills and a cheerleading gymnastic center. In June, there is also a mandatory training camp weekend.
Ravens Cheerleaders are expected to make at least 20 appearances per year, not including home game performances. Girls are paid $100 per home game, and they also receive compensation for each personal appearance made.


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