Sunday, January 21, 2007

Luxeed keyboard to suit all your color needs

Color keyboards are not a new idea, but a keyboard that can change color dynamically to suit your needs is a really – hmm – colorful idea?
The Korean company
Luxeed (from Luxiium Lighting and Technology) is marketing this latest innovation, the interactive keyboard, as a way to relieve stress via color therapy. And the deal is that you can program the color of each one of the keys from a palette of 512 available colors just as it suits you. Blue today, red tomorrow? Well, let your imagination loose. You can create a single hue, a spectrum rainbow or your own distinct pattern which can even be saved for future use. There are more options available too. If you don’t feel too artistic, download color skins from the company’s website to get started. You can adjust the brightness of the skin and program the skins to “dance” to the music that you feel like playing – your dear keyboard’s night out at the disco. In all, I guess there isn't much more to ask for from a color keyboard. Adventurists out there, keep an eye out for this one.


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